Deutsch Ostafrica Eagle with year cut out
Design : Eagle
Country : Deutsch Ostafrica (German East Africa)
Coin : 1 Pesa (1/64)
Size : diameter 25.2 mm
thickness 1.5 mm
Used between : 1890-1892
This coin was used in East Africa German (Tanganyika) Pesa from 1890 to 1892.
Note: the year on the coin you will receive may be a different one.
Three states lined the eastern coast of Africa and were under control of three European countries until gaining independence. Kenya was British East Africa, Tanganyika was German East Africa, and Mozambique was Portuguese East Africa.
When Farzni's coin was struck, Tanganyika was German East Africa (Deutsch Ostafrikanische).East Africa being officially mandated to the German Empire as early as
1891. State and private administration coexisted.
A highly developed monetary system was applied in the trade, thecountry’s economy was based on the self supply of smallest economical units.
German East Africa, 1 Pesa 1890
Of course, adequate coins were needed for trade. Already in 1890, a first emission of copper coins was issued in Berlin by order of the German East Africa Company. They were called Pesa and show on the obverse a laurel wreath and the Arabic legend “Company of Germany“. On its reverse the imperial eagle was depicted. An Indian Rupee, the most important coastal currency, equated 64 Pesa. Pesa were issued in high numbers (in 1892 alone, the emission’s last year, 27.541.389 were manufactured).