A love story told by our customer !
To The Coins Shop!
In September 2014 I visited Africa! As a nurse I was there to do voluntary work. After that I travelled around Africa, which is when I found The Coins Shop in Zanzibar. I really liked all the coins and designs, but what kind of coin would I buy?
I decided to wait. I could figure out which design it should be and get in contact later. While I was working away in Africa, I had someone waiting for me back at home. Just 3 months before I left I had met Bart. We met through Tinder, which is really popular these days.
After a few dates we were both sure; this is the one! When I came back we had a nice dinner at a restaurant and talked about our wish to travel together. That day we decided: let’s do it, lets’s go to Australia and New Zealand. On July 15th we sealed our love by buying a house and signing a registered partnership. Bart gave me a very nice bracelet. In the mean time I had plans for my own surprise too... a necklace for Bart, designed by me, made by The Coins Shop.